Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic- refers to the "international" period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule.

358 B.C.- King of Macedonia, Philip the Second came to power and takes control of Greece.

Athens lost the war to Sparta due to the way the Greek leaders tried to fight.  They shouldn't of tried to fight the Spartans in the first place.  They were not to big of a threat in the first place. The were struck by a terrible plague and one fourth of Athens died.  When all of the people of Athens were close together and they became sick.  With out them having a lot of space between them the disease spread quickly.  It was a bad way to fight the Spartans becasue with all the men in the sea they could attack by land.  In the end The Greeks lost to the Spartans and the way of life the Greeks new was over.  

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