Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today in class we continued the movie.  I thought I knew what was going to happen, but I was completely wrong.  It doesn't feel like this ever happened because it is way more dramatic then real life seems.  I couldn't beleive that they would kill the Gracuss Brothers.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Today in class we started a video/movie on ancient Rome   Apparently we only get to see 1 out of 6 parts of it.  That is very depressing to me.  But in this one part we watched the first 6 chapters.  The are life changing and I now know the history of the Roman revolution.  I am so pumped for the rest of this movie.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today in class we took a quest.  Apparently it is a combination of a quiz and a test.  It wasn't to difficult but some questions challenged me.  like how many people were in the senate.  in my defense that wasn't in the rap.  So how would I of known it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


today in class we continued the dissociation on the lyrics.  we got deeper into the Punic Wars.  The conversation we had was amazing about how countries get there names.  You said i was off topic but it had to do with Rome soooo.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today in class we went over the lyrics to the song again.  We found out about the Punic wars.  there were three and Rome won all three.  And we found out that Hannibal came up from the the alps and tried to to take over Rome and it failed and the city of Carthage was over.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today in class we got to watch me, holly, and Savannah's music video.  You could say it was amazing and you said it.  All I have to say is you are welcome and thank you.  The tables have turned.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today in class we continued to work on the music video.  Ours is probably the best music video ever made. It was pretty hard to make but we powered through and be prepared to be amazed.  Because i am already amazed.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in class Savannah, Holly, and I took over.  We were dropping beats and spitting rhymes about Rome.            We had to make a music video wit a bunch of pics. To be able to describe the life and love of Rome.  It is a very difficult and we only got half way done.  But no worries because I got my team on my back.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Today in class you were absent and our sub was Mr. Sutton.  We had to make a cartoon of the myth of the begin of Rome.  Here mine. Enjoy.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today in class we watched a rap about Rome.  It was preformed by Chi Cago  aka: Mr. Shick.  And his associate Martha.  It was probably going to be to be #1 on iTunes.  We got so much information out of that musical education.  Like how Octacvion was only 18 when he took over.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The Romans loved the Greeks and wanted to be like them.  They modeled them in the way they did government and warfare.  
Italy and his peoples
- Italy is a meditranean base country, with good farming and easy access to the sea
- They had more farming land and were able to feed more people and have a larger army
- The Latins were the first people to settle in Rome
- Then the Etruscan's settled in Rome
-Then the Greeks
The Romans got there alphabet from Greece
The Roman Republic: The Senate and the people
- patritions- were the rich handed down families
- Pelbians- lower class, farmers
-senate- thew elders of the people chosen by the king
500 B.C. Monarchy was abolished
peoples business
combined a democracy and a olicary making a republic

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today in class we took a test on our first day break from school.  It was pretty easy and I'm pretty sure i aced it.

City state and Empire; The Roman Republic 

900 B.C. - Etruscan s move into Italy
800 B.C. - first Greek colonies in southern Italy, settlements near the mouth of the Tiber River Join to form the city state of Rome
600 B.C. - Etruscan's conquer Latium
500 B.C. - Rome overthrows Etruscan's rule
450 B.C. - Twelve Tables, first write  Roman legal code
264-146 B.C. - Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage 
250 B.C. All of Italy south of the river Po is in Roman hands; plebeians share political rights with partisans 
202 B.C. - Romans wins control of western Mediterranean 
100 B.C. - Most non-Romans in Italy win citizen rights; Romans expand into the eastern Mediterranean and then into western Europe 
44 B.C. - Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life; members of the Senate assassinate him
31 B.C. - Octavian's forces defeat Antony and Cleopatra; Octavian becomes supreme ruler of Rome 

patricians- upper-class citizens who belong to the oldest and noblest Roman families

Republic- in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision-making power was shared between the Senate and Assemblies of male citizens 

plebeians- the Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians 

Senate- a government assembly appointed by the king, under the Republic by the consuls; originally all members were partians, but in the time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well 

 Consuls- two senates who led the government and military

dictator- a single leader who makes his own decisions and rules all

tribunes- magistrates elected by the plebeians, 

client- a person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron

patron-  a wealthy person who supports others with money an protection in exchange for personal services 

pontiff- one of the republic's leading priests

paterfamiles- the family father who was in control of his household

matron- title given to a married woman in Rome