Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today in class we watched a video about Greece.  It was rate educational.  I learned a lot of information.  Not to shabby if you ask me. We even got to see a pic of Socrates.  He is beautiful   Just saying.  The things I retained we about the way of Spartan way of life.  And how they were raised to be strong and to fight.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today in class we were quiet.  All we did was work on our study guides.  Even though we haven't study any of this information yet.  It didn't make sense why we did it.  It was pretty shabby.  And i didn't enjoy it.  Can we not do it again.  This is a blog by me, you are welcome.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today in class we took a test.  It was pretty easy and it wasn't shabby.  We could use our book so that help for almost every question except for the ones about government  but I knew them by hart so no problem there.  Our sub was Mr. Lawler and lets just say he laid down the law.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Today in class we went over the outline yet again.  It was not  as bad as last class because we got into h=a heated discussion.  We learned about the different types of government in Greece.  Greece used a democracy government.  America uses a republic democracy, similar to Greeks.  But more like the Romans government.  We found out why "under God" is in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today was a boring day and was not that fun.  All we did was read of an outline and took notes.  Pretty shabby on that part.  Then we found out that it was McKenzie's birthday and then it got intense.  We got to sing happy birthday to her and then she got a stylish birthday hat, which she didn't want to wear.  The down side was there wasn't any birthday snacks handed out.  I can't wait till it's my birthday and I get to wear a hat.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today in class we got the best student power point presented to us.  It was preformed by Alex, Sydney, McKenzie and Rachel.  It was amazing and a great learning experience.  I believe that we shall do that more often.  It will be a great time and a happy year of joy.  Not to shabby if you ask me. Next time you should let me present and it will be a fun time.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Today was a rather short class, but we got a lot done.  In class we got our test and i got an 97% on it .  Not to shabby if you ask me.  Then we went over the test and got a copy of the test and we got to keep the paper to study for exams.  Thank you my master teacher.  Then Grace got yelled at and then we had to get into our groups and talked about our power points.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today in class you were absent.  It hurt my feelings that you were not present to see us work on our power points.  We had a sub and she was rather nice and treated us well.  We found out you were creeping on our power point and I was pretty sketchy.  Pretty shabby if you ask me. Then you commented a comment that was either nice or mean, I found it mean, you said its about time you got some work done.  I am sad.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Today was a pretty fun.  We didn't have that much to do except for finish up our power points.  My group is pretty intense with me, Grace, Kelly  and Savannah   It would of been better if Julia would have joined our group, but she felt bad for Holly and joined her group.  Pretty shabby if you ask me.  Our power point was pretty nice, but we had to add some pics.  My favorite pic was of the barbarian man.  He was beautiful.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in class we talked about STONEHENGE and the Greeks.  We took multiple pages of notes.  The discussion we had about Stonehenge got pretty intense.  We found out that what happened there was almost impossible how they built it with there tools.  They used it for religious ceremonies   It worked as a calendar and was orientated north and south.  There has been belief that aliens built this.  That is what i believe and what is what you should believe too.   I like the thought of aliens they are not to shabby.  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Greece Homework

Greece was one of the newer ancient civilizations.  The Greeks were made up of ancient people called barbarians.  A barbarian is a person that lives a life around farming, warfare,and tribal organization.  Most of the barbarians began showing up in Europe around the time of 2500 B.C. Then around 2000 B.C. the Greeks started to migrate to  Asia Minor.  They were the earliest form of the Greeks. The Greeks inhabited there art, architect  and way of life from the older civilizations.  The newest ancient Greeks formed around 800 B.C.  The Greeks started worshiping gods, building monuments, and settling in to city-states and tribes with in them.  Little tribes started to form around the bigger city and branched out farther and populated and kept expanding.  The Greeks had there own language and writing the people spoke.  The Greeks became one of the most powerful civilizations in the ancient times.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Today in class we had a test.  Lets just say it was like taking the final exam in outer spacer.  SOOOOO MIUCHHHH PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!  I'm pretty sure I got a 85%.  Not too shabby if you ask me.  We had 25 multipule choice questions.  Then a short answer had to be 3 sentences.  Then we had to do an essay 3 paragraphs long.  The most writing I have ever done was completed in under 30 minutes.  My life is forever changed by this test.   

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today in class we talked about daily life in Ancient Egypt.  We found out about the pyramid of social power starting as pharaohs at the top and slaves at the bottom.   Then we watched an other John Green Crash Course video on Ancient Egypt.  He was very wrong about somethings in the video.  He said that the Nile river flowed north to south when it flows south to north.  He has some explaining to do.  I am very sad and emotional now.  Not too shabby on my part.    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Today in class we played a very intense video game called Pyramid Challenge.  Lets just say it was the most intense game I have ever played.  I have never experienced anything so intense in my life.  I sweated probably two gallons of water.  I am still dripping three hours later.  In this game you have to decide many different things such as: where you will build the  pyramid, what angle, what god your building it for, and ect.  The hardest part was trying to drive the boat.  Me and Julia where a team and came in 3rd place and got a bronze metal, not too shabby if you ask me.