Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today in class we learned that we were the worst West Civ class of the year.  We came in a solid 3rd place out of three classes.  Not to shabby if u ask, at least we got a bronze.  We started to take notes on ancient Egypt.  We found out about Great Sphinx of Giza.  Also the multiple chambers of the pyramids.  Also we talked about the Nile River and its many powers it has to provide water

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today in class you were not here. Our sub was Mrs. Fisher.  We had to read LO3.  In that we learned about ancient Egypt. It talked about the way of life of the Egyptians.  How they worshiped a pharaoh as their king and god.   And the pyramids that they built to for burring the dead.  How there language was called hyroglifics  and it was just a bunch of little pictures creating a sentence.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Today in class we learned about Mesopotamia.  We found out that they were the first people to have a written language. They made a bigger transfer from living on the go to living in communities of around 40,000 people.  They lived on the Fertile Crescent around place called Sumer.  It was between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.  Which is around current day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.    

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today in class we re-watched parts of the video on Agriculture revolution.  We took notes on the video.  We also talked about how in the future of how schooling will be.  Also what we wanted to be in the future.   What classes we had to take to be successful in our careers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today in class we watched a video about the agriculture revolution.  The video was by John Green and his video's crash course.  His theories we'er similar as Jared Diamonds.  Mostly he talked about how fast of a switch from looking for food to going to McDonald's to buy some food of minim wage.  In over 19,000 years we have become far more advanced then our past selves in only a short period of time.  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck.  He was on track because he had all of the right details about what makes a place geographically lucky.  Such as the different types of animals and plants it takes to be able to have a successful village.  In the book they talk about how in the prehistoric era, everyone one was a hunter and gatherer.  The roles that men and women were equal in power.  The men would go out and hunt.  The women would gather the plants, berries and other foods.  Making them have equal roles.  As time went on and people started settling down and forming a village the men started farming so the women wouldn’t have to spend all of their time collecting food and gave them a chance to try different things.  This led to the invention of many different things and tools.  This is exactly what Jared Diamond said about how the people of Europe were able to have guns, germs, and steel.   

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Today was our first day of Western Civilization.  We created our new blogs for class.  Also how to access your blog on Google chrome.  We also received our textbooks for class.  I need to go get a composition book for class.   Mr. Schick also yelled at Grace often for talking to much.